品牌名称: 芙莱莎
企业名称: 北京斯堪维亚商贸有限公司
企业电话: 400-098-4550
企业网址: http://www.skanvea.com/
所属行业: 家具
品牌简介: 始于1972年,中国十大儿童家具品牌,欧洲规模最大、档次最高的儿童家具品牌之一
15 years agao, Skanvea introduced Flexa to China market and since then Skanvea has been focusing on the retail of high end children furniture in China and has
become one of the most valuable brand in this field.
Headquartered in Beijing, Skanvea has now 20 shops in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Dalian…, dealing Flexa(Denmark), Lifetime(Denmark),
Moll(Germany), Turmidei(Italy), Manis-h(Denmark),Suwem(Estonia)…
Skanvea focuses on kids furniture and are proud of being able to provide not only the best products but also the best and expert service to its customers.
Skanvea believes thatchildren is the most important people in the world and it is our top responsibility to secure the health and safety of kids who use our
products. So Skanvea chooses to deals only the best kids furniture in terms of quality, function and design from Europe with the highest safety standards regarding
chemical emission and ergonomics.
Skanvea always makes effort to satisfy the needs of customers and at meantime, try to bring the latest fashion, taste, lifestyle and value to China. By doing this,
we hope to make a difference to the future of our kids and our society.
- 涂料 | 油漆 | 电工
- 家具 | 衣柜 | 家居
- 锁具 | 门业 | 门窗
- 板材 | 陶瓷 | 瓷砖
- 灯饰 | LED | 照明
- 灶具 | 烟机 | 空调
- 吊顶 | 浴霸 | 安防
- 窗帘 | 壁纸 | 床垫
- 管业 | 水槽 | 五金
- 男装 | 女装 | 童装
- 日化 | 化妆品 | 洗护
- 淋浴房 | 热水器 | 璧挂炉
- 木地板 | 生态板 | 阳光房
- 净水器 | 集成灶 | 洗碗机
- 水性漆 | 地坪漆 | 贝壳粉
- 小家电 | 饮水机 | 太阳能
- 不锈钢 | 空气能 | 电动车
- 瓷砖胶 | 硅藻泥 | 净化器
- 安全板 | 润滑油 | 无主灯
- 卫浴洁具 | 厨卫电器 | 智能厨卫
- 厨房橱柜 | 汽车用品 | 智能家居
- 红木家具 | 办公家具 | 古典家具
- 艺术涂料 | 防水材料 | 体育建筑
- 厨房电器 | 新风系统 | 钟表配件
- 全屋家居 | 全铝家居 | 全屋整装
- 生活家电 | 敲击乐器 | 节能环保
- 铝合金门窗 | 全球高端厨卫
- 装配式建筑 | 更多